A-B, duo Béatrice Didier Antoni Karwowski, New Zero Platform

This duo was created by Beatrice Didier and Antoni Karwowski in the context of New Zero International Performance Art Platform, organized by New Zero Art Space in Yangoon

Travel support Béatrice Didier:

ACTUS V, Performance Art Platform, Brussels: 6th-11th november 2017

FR) ACTUS est une plateforme d'expérimentation et de réflexion sur l'Art Performance, mise en place en 2012 par l'asbl Ricochets. Pour chaque édition, le focus a été mis sur la rencontre. Rencontre avec un partenaire/ un espace/ une ville. Rencontre entre artistes de différentes origines, entre artistes et enseignants, étudiants et public. A l'occasion de cette cinquième édition, ACTUS accueillera en résidence à Bruxelles des artistes de renommée internationale et de la " nouvelle génération ". Lors de cette semaine, ils créeront une performance à la MAAC et à l'Abbaye de la Cambre. Ensemble, ils investiront l'espace public pour une open session. Deux moments plus réflexifs, dont un à la Bellone, seront l'occasion pour les artistes et le public d'échanger autour des processus de création liés à l'Art Performance. Toute la semaine, certains performeurs travailleront avec les étudiant(e)s de l'ENSAV – La Cambre, les amenant à découvrir différentes facettes de cette pratique artistique.
Les étudiants en Master Arts du Spectacle vivant/ULB construiront un « espace critique » au plus près, en résonance avec les questionnements soulevés par ACTUS et l’art de la performance, belge et internationale. Comme un laboratoire d’écriture, multimodale et créative, où l’interrogative est essentielle.
Parallèlement, An Debie, artiste de performance et photographe, sera en résidence au 10/12.
Avec : Kris Canavan, Claude Cattelain, An Debie, Benoît Félix, Cynthia Godart, Antoni Karwowski, Aye Ko, Monica Klingler, Clément Losson, Mélanie Peduzzi, Elvira Santamaria, Ilka Theurich, Martine Viale
Alice De Visscher, PAErsche (Marita Bullman, Elke Mark, Mark Met, Thomas Reul, Carola Willbrand... ), Sylvie Pichrist.
Curatrice : Béatrice Didier

(EN) ACTUS, created in 2012 by the non-for-profit association Ricochets, is a platform for experimentation and reflection on Performance Art. For every edition the focus is put on new encounters. Encounter with an organising partner/ a space/ a city. Also encounters between artists of different origins, and between artists, educators, students and the general public. At the occasion of this fifth edition, ACTUS will welcome internationally renowned artists and also some "new generation" performers. During the week of ACTUS they will each create a performance, either at the MAAC and at the Abbey of La Cambre. Together as a group they will perform in the public space during an open session. Two different reflective moments are planned, one of them at la Bellone, where the artists and the public will have the occasion to exchange ideas about the processes of creation specifically related to Performance Art. The entire week, a number of performers will work with students of ENSAV – La Cambre and guide them towards discovering different aspects of this particular artistic practice. The students of the Master in Performing Arts of the Brussels University (ULB) will build the nearest possible « critical space » , echoing the questions raised by ACTUS, and more generally performance art made in Belgium and elsewhere. A kind of laboratory for writing – creative and multimodal, where the the interrogation is essential.

Parallel to ACTUS, An Debie, performance artist and photographer, will exhibit at 10/12.
With : Kris Canavan, Claude Cattelain, An Debie, Benoît Félix, Cynthia Godart, Antoni Karwowski, Aye Ko, Monica Klingler, Clément Losson, Mélanie Peduzzi, Elvira Santamaria, Ilka Theurich, Martine Viale
Alice De Visscher, PAErsche (Marita Bullman, Elke Mark, Mark Met, Thomas Reul, Carola Willbrand... ), Sylvie Pichrist.
Curatrice : Béatrice Didier

(NL) ACTUS, in 2012 opgericht door de v.z.w. Ricochets, is een platform voor experimenten en reflectie rond Performance Art. Voor elke editie wordt de focus gelegd op nieuwe ontmoetingen. Ontmoetingen tussen organiserende partnerinstellingen/ locaties/ een stad. Ontmoetingen ook tussen artiesten van verschillende origines, tussen performers, docenten, studenten en het publiek. Ter gelegenheid van deze vijfde editie verwelkomt ACTUS verschillende internationaal gerenommeerde performance kunstenaars en ook enkele artiesten van de "nieuwe generatie". Tijdens deze week zal elke kunstenaar een performance brengen, of in het MAAC of in de abdij Ter Kameren. De artiesten zullen samen een groepsperformance brengen tijdens een open session in de publieke ruimte . Twee verschillende reflectieve ontmoetingsmomenten, waarvan één in La Bellone, zullen de artiesten de gelegenheid bieden om ideeën omtrent de creatieprocessen in Performance Art te delen met het publiek. Tijdens de week zullen enkele van de performers samenwerken met studenten van ENSAV en hen begeleiden in het ontdekken van de specifieke aspecten van Performance Art. De studenten van de Master in Performing Arts van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel zullen parallel aan Actus een “kritische ruimte” creëren. Ze gaan hierbij uit van de vragen en concepten die voortkomen uit hun ervaringen tijdens ACTUS en uit de confrontatie met performance art gecreëerd in België en daarbuiten.
Parallel aan ACTUS, zal An Debie, performance artieste en fotografe, tentoonstellen in 10/12.
Met : Kris Canavan, Claude Cattelain, An Debie, Benoît Félix, Cynthia Godart, Antoni Karwowski, Aye Ko, Monica Klingler, Clément Losson, Mélanie Peduzzi, Elvira Santamaria, Ilka Theurich, Martine Viale
Alice De Visscher, PAErsche (Marita Bullman, Elke Mark, Mark Met, Thomas Reul, Carola Willbrand... ), Sylvie Pichrist.
Curatrice : Béatrice Didier

18:30 Vernissage installation photo An Debie "When light breaks"
10/12 – 12 rue de la Grande Ile – 1000 Bruxelles

17:00 Rencontre publique avec les artistes d'ACTUS V, menée par Béatrice Didier
L'Art Performance au-delà de l'image
La Bellone – 46 rue de Flandre - 1000 Bruxelles

17:00 Rencontre publique avec les artistes d'ACTUS V, menée par Antoine Pickels
Performance et Politique : L'Art Performance pour interroger le monde
19:00 Performances solos
La Cambre - 21 Abbaye de La Cambre - 1000 Bruxelles

19:00 Performances solos
MAAC – 26/28 rue des Chartreux – 1000 Bruxelles

12:00 Performances Square Breughel l'Ancien (rue Haute/rue de l'Epée, sous l'ascenceur des Marolles) avec les artistes d'ACTUS V, Alice de Visscher, PAErsche (Marita Bullman, Elke Mark, Mark Met,Thomas Reul, Carola Willbrandt) et Sylvie Pichrist.
19:00 Performances solos
MAAC – 26/28 rue des Chartreux – 1000 Bruxelles

Entre libre/ Participation active - Free entrance/ Active participation

Une production de Ricochets, membre du réseau PAErsche, en partenariat avec 10/12, la MAAC, la Bellone, La Cambre, l' Ecole Supérieure des Arts de l’Image le 75 et le Master en Arts du Spectacle vivant de l’ULB.
Avec le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Service général de la création artistique/pluridisciplinaire), le
Service public francophone bruxellois, la Ville de Bruxelles, Wallonie-Bruxelles International et de Pro Helvetia Fondation suisse pour la culture.


ACTUS Performance Art Platform Brussels november 2017

From stone to walls to boundaries to dust...

This performance was created in the context of Festival Corporea in Zacatecas.
Video documentation: Esmeralda Perez Tamiz
Photo documentation: Antonio Juarez

Thanks to Isis Perez, all the team of Festival Corporea and to Elvira Santamaria

A la luz de las velas

laisser cire couler
laisser cire caresser bras
laisser cire couvrir pieds
laisser cire embraser peau
laisser cire passer la flamme
flamme d'allumettes
utopie d'étoiles dans le ciel de Capulalpàm

Thanks to  Li Lith Albornoz and Fausto Luna for documentation

Behind the performance ( Interackje 2017 )

Piotrkow Trybunalski, one of the oldest cities in Poland.
Piotrkow Trybunalski, which was an important industrial centre for textiles and wood and glass products.
Piotrkow Trybunalski, which was annexed by Russia for 100 years.
Piotrkow Trybunalski, which was a capital before a city for many years.
Piotrkow Trybunalski, which was the first guetto established by the Nazis during the second war.
Piotrkow Trybunalski which is part of Holocaust History Archives.
It's what i read on internet before going to Poland.
Like Holocaust of polish forest. It's the name they give to the massacre of trees, linked to the Szysko's Law. It's wat a polish friend wrote me, before going to Poland.

It's my first time in Poland.
There are my first steps on this earth.
The earth where was born Grotowski, who inspired me so much during my first steps in theatre world.
On the way from airport to the city, a lot of construction works.
On the way from the gallery to the hotel, a lot of churchs.
A lot of churches, a lot of crosses, a lot of Jesus, a lot of candles and wreath of flowers, a lot of abandoned buildings...
A belgian friend told me :
"When you'll go to Piotrkow Trybunalski, go to the end of the city.
Go to the end of the road and then you'll see a jewish cemetery.
Completely abandoned.
Go to see this place."
At the end of the road,
after many very well maintained cemeteries,
after many shops of flowers and candels and all material to celebrate dead people,
after many construction works,....
There, at the end of the road, on a corner, is a small cemetery. Closed and abandoned. The jewish cemetery.
There, the tombs sit among the tall grasses.
There, the dead seem not celebrated but abandoned among grasses and old trees.
Only a dog, an old man and old woman seem to take care of the death.
At the entrance, on a panel, is written in polish and english:
"The Piotrkow Trybunalski Municipal Government has be since 1996 engaged in the restoration of the Jewish Cemetery in Piotrkowie Trybunalskim.
So far, the following work was performed:
- construction of lapidorium
- reconstruction of small entrance gate
- renovation of iron entrance and the wicket at the main gate
- levelling more than 400 inclined or lying tombstones
- reconstruction of 40 tombstones frames
- maintenance work on more than 500 of burial plants
- the design for reconstruction of the cementery's fencing wall
- maintenance work involving the felling of self sown sucker trees and mowing of grass at arranged areas.
The works are carried out under the supervision of Mr.... "

The day before that, at the gallery, Lidka and Vwodek, gave me some help to save a tree srpout from some dumping ground behind the building. From small pieces of glass.

And then, on 11th may, on morning...

Let me to lie down at the middle of busy people.
Let me to offer something free at the middle of shops.
Let me to offer seeds, by looking to the sky beyond the glass dome.

And then, on 11th may, on evening...

Let me to be naked.
Let me to be a naked body.
A naked body to celebrate the ephemeral of bodies, the ephemeral of life.
A naked body to celebrate the vulnerability.
Vulnerability to face the art world related to status, money and appearance.
Vulnerability to face belief, bigotry, sexism and social body.
Vulnerability to face Extreme Right.

Let me to feel naked.
Feel naked like birds
Like some birds who attack windows
Like birds who are injured by guns
"C'est les oiseaux, jamais les balles, qu'on attaque en plein vol" was singing Anna Prucnal, who was born in Warsaw in 1940.
"It is the birds, never the bullets, that are attacked in their full flight"...

Feel naked
Feel naked like humans
Like some humans who attack walls or boundaries when some other spend their sunday with training in paramilitary groups. In Poland they are called " Sunday Soldiers"
Like humans who are killed by other humans
Like women who were crucified
Tell me...
Is it thrue that in Russia some farmers crucified women considered as witches during the 1921 famine?
Is it thrue that Florus ordered to crucify more than 3000 people?
Is it thrue that many women were crucified during the armenian genocide?
Why do we crucify?
Since when do we crucify?
What's our feeling when we see a crucified body?
What's our feeling when we see a naked body against a wall?
What's this fascination for crosses and crucifixions?
Where is our fascination for earth and trees?

Earth and trees
Earth which is free and doesn't have walls and boundaries
Earth which hosted us


Naked as we were when we were born
Naked and Free
Like birds
Like humans
A long time ago
Before we built walls and boundaries
A long time ago....

Thanks to Antoine, Antoni, Gisela, Gordian, Lidka, Kuba, Ryszard, Stanislav Piotr, Tosia, Wodek, all the team, volunteers and artists of Interackje 2017.